Modern hearing aids are designed to be more resistant and durable than ever before. However, they are still at risk of sustaining damage from external sources and faulty parts. As a wearer of modern hearing aids you play a crucial role in reducing the risk of repairs and ensuring that your devices are kept in good condition at all times. This allows you to have the experience you need and expect from your hearing aids.

Handle Properly

Handling your hearing aids properly is crucial for preventing common repairs. Always make sure your hands are clean and dry before touching your hearing aids to avoid transferring dirt or moisture. When inserting or removing them, do so over a soft surface like a towel or bed to prevent damage if they accidentally fall. Store your hearing aids in a protective case when you’re not using them to keep them safe from dust, moisture and physical damage. Also, avoid exposing your hearing aids to extreme temperatures, which can harm the delicate electronics inside.

Clean Your Hearing Aids

Your hearing aids are in close contact with your ear, so it’s only natural that earwax can be an issue. There is a risk that earwax can penetrate the tube on your hearing aid, causing a blockage, which impacts the integrity of the tube and the sound quality. Inspecting your hearing aid after each time you wear them will allow you to see if there is any earwax buildup. To clean, use a soft, dry cloth to wipe the surface of the hearing aid. Avoid using water or cleaning solutions, as they can damage the device. If there is any earwax buildup, use specific picks designed for this purpose to remove it and clear the tube without damaging it.

Preventing Sound Distortion and Feedback

If you’re experiencing any new or unexpected sound changes, feedback or distortion, there could be a few possible causes at play. In the first instance, check the battery, as a low battery can impact sound quality. Changing out a new battery will resolve the issue if this is the cause. Extreme temperatures can also affect the sound, so avoid wearing your devices for long periods in really hot or cold environments. Internal damage or faulty parts due to age can also impact the sound quality and reduce the impact of the hearing aids. If this is the case, talk to your audiologist about hearing aid repairs or a replacement to help fix the issue.

Your hearing aids are a significant investment that can drastically improve your quality of life. By following these maintenance tips, you can protect your hearing health, reduce the risk of faults and damage and feel confident in getting the best performance from your hearing aids every time you wear them. If you want to learn more about ways to prevent common hearing aid repairs, schedule an appointment with an audiologist. They will give you advice on how to properly maintain your hearing aids.